Big Firms

Improve Law Firm Productivity: 10 Tips for Success

Law firms can improve productivity by establishing streamlined workflows, enhancing task management processes, tracking firm data, and more.

Productivity is a critical indicator of success for any law firm. This is because productivity measures the value received for the firm's investment in labor costs—and labor costs are by far the largest and least negotiable expense in the operating budget. A firm without a productivity strategy often has to choose between profitability and paying enough to attract good talent.

Let's explore the importance of measuring productivity plus strategies your firm can implement today.

Why Should Law Firms Measure Productivity?

Measurement is the first step to improving law firm productivity. If you intend to experiment with new productivity initiatives, you can only assess their effectiveness after you collect baseline data.

Taking the time to measure and analyze firm productivity at the start also allows you to be more precise in your productivity optimization efforts. This will allow you to identify the biggest problems and prioritize programs accordingly.

How Do Law Firms Measure Productivity in 2024?

In 2024, technology is rapidly reshaping a lawyer's daily tasks. This evolution must be accompanied by an evolution in how law firms measure productivity. Legacy data points, like incoming revenue and new matters per month, should be supplemented with broader metrics focusing on value provided versus time spent.

For example, the growing adoption of generative AI within the legal industry will minimize rote tasks for lawyers and their teams. More specifically, the AI-powered features built into CASEpeer, including Intelligent Text Editing and Intelligent Document Summary, could eliminate many man-hours over a case's life.

Managed properly, the productivity boost associated with these and other AI innovations could expand the firm's capacity and contribute to improved client service. Measuring those outcomes alongside legacy productivity metrics will become increasingly important for law firms.

10 Tips for Improving Law Firm Productivity

Many productivity pain points for law firms can be remedied with solid communication practices, plus law firm technology that streamlines collaboration and repeated processes. The 10 strategies below include communication and technology initiatives that can enable huge productivity gains at your firm.

1. Use Cloud-Based Documents

A paper file system is no longer a functional choice for today's law firm. Your team will spend far too much time searching for information. The documentation of details such as adjuster names, claim numbers, police reports, and pleadings can be elusive. Worse, entire files can be misplaced.

A system that supports searchable, cloud-based client files and documents is a popular law firm productivity tool. This is because implementing cloud-based document storage can recapture many hours of wasted time.

High-quality case management solutions like CASEpeer have integrated, secure, and searchable cloud storage. When team members need a critical data point quickly, they don't have to pick through stacks of paper. They simply search by keyword to find what they need.

2. Listen to Your Team

Soliciting feedback from team members and implementing their best suggestions can result in serious productivity gains. At a minimum, this practice improves the work environment and culture, boosting productivity. It's also likely that your team's most interesting suggestions will address productivity issues directly. Solve your team's most tedious tasks, and you'll have happier, more efficient employees as a result.

3. Prioritize Your Task Management

Empowering team members to prioritize task management also creates productivity gains. You can do this with a combination of law firm technology and training. The technology should be a collaborative task management system that gives every team member visibility into case milestones and deadlines.

The training can focus on how your firm will use the technology. Establishing clear task management processes keeps everyone working together with minimal misunderstandings.

4. Ensure Employees Have Uninterrupted Time Every Day

Encourage team members to block out "focus time" on their calendars daily. They mute phone calls, text messages, and emails during focus time. They can then dedicate the uninterrupted time to thought-intensive work, such as ideating case strategy.

5. Establish Efficient Workflows

Standardized workflows improve law firm efficiency and client service. The client service benefit is structuring workflows to avoid mishaps and forgotten tasks.

To set up functional workflows, start by documenting the routine stages for your most common case types. For example, if your firm specializes in personal injury law, the stages could include client intake, treatment, demand writing, settlement, litigation, and lien negotiations.

Enlist the help of your team to design these workflows and then use technology to automate them.

6. Remove Non-Value-Add Processes

Processes within or outside your workflows must add value to the firm or the client. If they don't, rework or eliminate them.

Older processes that have become routine fall into this category. An example would be a periodic, manual report that one of the firm's leaders has requested for years. Given that the data is more easily retrievable from the firm's practice management application, consider whether the time-intensive report could be automated or eliminated.

7. Use Collaboration Tools

Effective collaboration tools for lawyers can transform your team into a finely tuned machine. These applications enable team members to find the necessary information without asking, streamlining decision-making and minimizing interruptions.

Collaboration tools also enable co-workers to contribute to shared tasks from remote locations. Bringing the team together remotely can be easier and faster than finding a time to get everyone in the same room.

8. Create a Community at Your Office

Creating a community at the office encourages team members to unite behind the firm's mission. As a result, employee loyalty and productivity will improve.

Encourage communication between all firm levels to foster a sense of community. Consider the following strategies:

  • Holding 'town hall' meetings
  • Establishing standards for managers to meet periodically with their direct reports, individually and together.
  • Initiating skip-level meetings, in which managers engage with employees one level lower than their own direct reports

9. Track Law Firm Data

Law firm KPIs can reveal a range of potential productivity initiatives. Your firm's KPI dashboard might reveal, for example, that client intake is consuming dozens of man-hours or you're spending thousands on marketing strategies that aren't delivering new cases. These problems can go unnoticed if you're not tracking the data.

High-quality case management applications, such as CASEpeer, have built-in KPI dashboards that are easy to implement.

10. Outsource Non-Core Activities

The law is your firm's area of expertise. However, law firm management requires expertise in other disciplines. Bookkeeping, marketing, billing, payroll, and record management are examples. Outsourcing some of these non-core activities can free up your team to focus on what they do best—providing legal representation to clients.

Productivity for Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal injury (PI) law firms have unique productivity challenges. Below are five more productivity tips for PI firms. These tips focus on client intake, medical records acquisition, marketing, expense tracking, and internal meetings.

Automate Client Intake Processes

Automated client intake is a must for high-volume personal injury firms. With an efficient client intake process, your team spends less time converting prospects and gathering signatures. Casework can begin almost immediately, which benefits the firm and the client.

Streamline Medical Record Acquisition

Acquiring medical records is routinely cumbersome, even after you've obtained the appropriate releases from your client. Without mastering this process, your firm's efficiency can suffer drastically.

Consider assigning someone to be your team's medical document expert. The role requires current knowledge of HIPAA standards, protocols, and contacts at local medical providers. You'll also want this team member to define and document the process for tracking and following up on record requests so nothing gets lost.

Outsource Marketing Efforts

Outsourcing may be in your best interest if paid marketing is your firm's primary growth strategy. Marketing experts can produce more effective campaigns than legal experts who teach themselves marketing. You can also require your marketing vendor to provide detailed reports on the value provided by the campaign. With that data, you can focus your attention on making broader marketing decisions versus tedious campaign setups.

Use Expense Tracking Tools

Just as marketing is critical to the firm's growth, expense management is essential to the firm's bottom line. Documenting all labor and external costs for each case is the only way to ensure there's profit left once the firm gets paid. Therefore, the technology you use to track expenses could be your most critical law firm productivity tool.

A tool like CASEpeer Smart Spend, the first spend management solution for personal injury law firms, can significantly aid in this process. It provides real-time visibility into expenses, streamlines cost approvals and efficiently manages vendor payments. By using such software, lawyers can ensure accurate expense tracking and optimize their financial management processes. This allows for more informed financial decisions and helps maintain a healthy bottom line, ultimately supporting the firm's profitability and growth.

Optimize Internal Meetings

Establishing team-wide standards for internal meetings can also recapture wasted man-hours. When meetings regularly end with the takeaway that another meeting is needed, you have an efficiency problem. To avoid that scenario, require meeting organizers to distribute agendas in advance. Also, expect meeting attendees to review agendas carefully before the meeting. This practice allows the team to begin productive conversations immediately.

Use Practice Management Software to Enhance Productivity

Implementing the right practice management software can address many productivity challenges for busy law firms. CASEpeer's automated client intake support quickly converts prospects into signed clients. The application also features centralized client data, collaboration support, automated case calendars, and automated task flows that keep your team organized and working productively. The application's AI-powered tools for lawyers, including document summaries and text editing, additionally shorten the time spent on rote tasks.

You can also track the outcomes of your productivity initiatives with CASEpeer's automated reporting. More than 50 turnkey reports plus a KPI dashboard ensure full visibility into the firm's casework and business operations, including marketing. Learn more about CASEpeer's broad productivity feature set at

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