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The 2019 Law Firm Technology Checklist

Written by Gabriela Cubeiro | Dec 4, 2018 12:13:08 AM

Today, most, if not all law firms are harnessing technology in their office. As 2019 approaches, this statement will only become more true. All businesses will continue to become more reliant on technology as time goes on. If your firm’s technology isn’t up to par, you will be left behind, no matter how great of an attorney you are.

Use our technology checklist to take stock of your law firm’s current technology, and see what will help you get ahead in 2019.

Reliable Hardware

This simple suggestion will continue to make our yearly technology checklist because it is foundational to your law firm’s success. Poor-quality hardware will only slow your firm down. We cannot emphasize it enough: high quality technology is worth the cost. 

When choosing hardware, remember: troubleshooting malfunctioning computers and printers costs staff time they could have spent on more productive tasks. If hardware can’t be repaired, you’ll have to spend even more time and money selecting new items sooner than you would have liked. View your hardware as an investment in your firm’s success, not just another expense.

At minimum, your law firm’s hardware should include reliable:

  • Computers
  • Phones
  • Laser printer
  • Document scanner

Like with any technology decision, do your research to find out which products will be the best for your business. Look at online reviews, ask colleagues about their experiences with products you’re considering, or enlist the help of an IT specialist to help you choose the right hardware.

High-Speed Internet Connection

The only thing worse than a slow computer is a slow internet connection. Everyone at your firm depends on the internet to do their job effectively. They can only work as quickly as your firm’s connection allows. Not only does a slow or interrupted connection affect everyone’s computer, it can also affect the office’s phone system and cloud-based practice management software.

Faster internet speeds translate directly to increased productivity. Do yourself a favor now and pay the money to upgrade your internet connection. Medium to large law firms should also consider a redundant connection, so that if one service provider has an outage, your firm will stay in business.

Microsoft Word

The majority of modern law firms use Microsoft Word. In 2019, using WordPerfect will be the equivalent of using a typewriter in 2001. Although some attorneys like to use WordPerfect because of its formatting options, it is quickly being phased out.

In 2019, Microsoft Word will be the dominant word processor for attorneys. Already, nearly all modern legal technology solutions are made with Microsoft Word in mind. There are even Microsoft Word plugins made for law firms, like PerfectIt and Wordrake. Modern case management solutions with document automation features will create documents on Microsoft Word, but most don’t work with other word processors. Investing in Microsoft Word will save your firm time and allow you and your employees to focus on other tasks.

Legal Case Management Software

If your law firm has not yet invested in case management software, you are leaving money on the table. The right legal practice management software can save your law firm time, help you get organized, and enhance collaboration.

While many lawyers understand the benefits of a good case management solution, many don’t think about the consequences of choosing the wrong technology. Even if a solution has worked for your law firm in the past, it may not be the best option for your firm now. Use this guide to see if your firm is using the best case management software.

If you are looking to choose new case management software for your practice, do your research to ensure you choose the right tools for your needs. Use this guide to help you choose the best legal case management solution for your firm.

Whether you are upgrading your current law firm’s technology or starting a new firm altogether, choosing the right products is imperative. The wrong tools may work in the short run, but over time, inadequate technology can cost your firm money, time, and productivity. Make the right decisions now to set your law firm up for success in 2019.

CASEpeer is a comprehensive case management solution for personal injury attorneys. From intake to settlement, our robust features help law firms become more proactive and powerful. Our goal is to help law firms grow. For more legal technology information and practice management tips, visit our blog.